DIY Farmhouse Mirror

I found this dark, wooden mirror at Habitat for Humanity for a bargain… $2.50! It only took a little paint, a little distressing, and a protective topcoat to create this lovely DIY Farmhouse Mirror!

mirror before refinishing

Repair and Clean the Mirror

The back part of the mirror was loose, causing the mirror to separate from the front of the frame. I tried using some staples on the MDF backing, but that didn’t keep it in very well after shuffling around with it a bit. So, I just popped a few nails in each of the corner areas to secure everything together. 

I wiped down the mirror frame with some cleaner and a towel. It wasn’t too dirty, so it didn’t take especially long to do.

Paint the Mirror

I used Rustoleum white chalk paint for this step. I watered it down slightly to play down the brush strokes. Four coats gave it a solid, white appearance.

One thing I found helpful were these little Painter’s Pyramids. They kept the mirror slightly elevated so that I didn’t smear paint all over the drop cloth. I also used blue Painter’s Tape on the edges of the actual mirror piece so that I wouldn’t have to waste too much time scraping it off the mirror afterwards.

diy chalk painted mirror white

Distress the Edges

I’m not a huge fan of overly distressed furniture. Personally, I think it looks like you’re trying to hard to make it look distressed. I opted for a lightly distressed look, taking 220 grit sand paper to the edges. Wherever something bumps out, I took the sand paper over it with a few swipes, paying special attention to corners.

After distressing, I made sure to use a damp cloth to wipe up all of the dust produced by the sand paper.

Seal the Mirror Frame

Chalk paint is easily removed on its own, so it requires some sort of sealer. I used Rustoleum Chalk Paint Top Coat to protect the new paint job. It’s a spray, so I covered the actual mirror part with some paper to prevent it from getting on the center.

DIY farmhouse mirror chalk painted white

An Easy DIY Farmhouse Mirror Project Completed

This project was pretty easy. It took minimal time, and turned out beautifully. Distressed furniture isn’t my favorite, in terms of personal preference, but this is something I would definitely keep if I had the space for it.

diy farmhouse mirror after close up of distressed

Check out my other recent chalk paint project, my DIY Bench Makeover!

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